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80th Annual Meeting and William J. Clothier II Award

Monday November 16, 2020 12:00PM - 12:45PM

Virtual Program

The Pan American Association of Philadelphia is excited to announce that it will hold its 80th Annual Meeting and William J. Clothier II Memorial Award Virtual Program on November 16, 2020.

We are pleased to announce that Amb. Thomas A. Shannon, Jr., former United States Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, former United States Ambassador to Brazil will be our keynote speaker.

Since its founding in 1940, the Association has been dedicated to promoting cultural, educational and economic activities to increase understanding and cooperation among the peoples of the Americas. The Association is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to advancing Pan-Americanism in the Greater Philadelphia region. Today, the region is home to more than 500,000 residents who trace their roots to Latin America, and the need for greater cultural understanding expressed by our founders has become even more relevant.



Keynote Speaker

Thomas A. Shannon, Jr.
Former United States Under Secretary of State
Former United States Ambassador to Brazil

Ambassador Thomas A. Shannon, Jr. brings more than three decades of government service and diplomatic experience to his practice, providing strategic counsel to clients across a range of legislative, foreign policy, and national security issues. 

Most recently, Ambassador Shannon served as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, the third highest ranking position at the State Department. Holding the personal rank of Career Ambassador, he was the highest ranking member of the United States Foreign Service, the country's professional diplomatic corps. During his tenure as Under Secretary, Ambassador Shannon was in charge of bilateral and multilateral foreign policymaking and implementation, and oversaw diplomatic activity globally and in our missions to international organizations. He managed the State Department during the presidential transition, led bilateral and strategic stability talks with the Russian Federation, worked with our allies to oversee Iranian compliance with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, and expanded US engagement in Central Asia, among other things.

Prior to that appointment, he served as Counselor of the Department, where he acted as a troubleshooter and roving envoy for Secretary of State John Kerry. In that capacity, he focused on Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia, and led US support for the UN-sponsored peace processes in Yemen and South Sudan. Ambassador Shannon spent nearly 35 years in the Foreign Service, and has served 6 US presidents and 11 secretaries of state. 

Prior to his 2016 appointment by President Obama as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Ambassador  Shannon was the United States Ambassador to Brazil. Prior to this appointment, Ambassador Shannon served as Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs from 2005-2009. He served as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Western Hemisphere Affairs at the National Security Council (2003-2005), Deputy Assistant Secretary of Western Hemisphere Affairs at the Department of State (2002-2003), and Director of Andean Affairs (2001-2002). From 2000-2001, he was US Deputy Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States, with the rank of Ambassador. During his career, Ambassador Shannon served in the US Foreign Service at embassies in Guatemala, Brazil, South Africa, and Venezuela.



Recipient of the William J. Clothier II Award

Rev. Bonnie Camarda
Divisional Director of Partnerships, The Salvation Army Eastern Pennsylvania & Delaware

As Director of Partnerships for The Salvation Army in Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware since 1999, Rev. Bonnie Camarda is at the heart of The Salvation Army’s initiatives to form fruitful partnerships with business leaders, government leaders, prospective donors, fellow social service organizations in the area. Most importantly building relationships with individuals who seek her for spiritual guidance and hope. Her professional accomplishments and community involvement are truly remarkable, and she has been recognized for her rare
ability to reach men and women, the elderly and children, across socioeconomic and cultural lines. Rev. Bonnie is committed to transfer lives through the impactful relationships she builds with everyone she encounters on behalf of The Salvation Army with God’s guidance.

Rev. Bonnie recently accompanied Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf with a host of delegates from the Philadelphia-area and Unidos Pa’PR to visit The Salvation Army in Puerto Rico to learn more about the long-term recovery of the island in the wake of Hurricane Maria. Upon returning from Puerto Rico Rev. Camarda received a Citation from City Council as an Honorary Puerto Rico Citizen of the Year in 2018. The honoree was selected for
her outstanding work for all Puerto Rican citizens recovering from Hurricane Maria especially those that transition to Philadelphia.

She received her Master of Divinity in 1983 from Rice University. She is a past president of the Hispanic Clergy of Philadelphia and serves on a number of boards, including Nueva Esperanza, Inc., Philadelphia Housing Authority, The Philadelphia Leadership Foundation, The National Adoption Center and The Philadelphia Opportunities Industrialization Center.



Presenting Sponsor




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